How We Navigate

We employ a set of investment principles, an operating methodology, and our core values.

Investment Principles

  • Strong industry fundamentals are a critical foundation

  • Find win-win situations with the seller and be user friendly

  • Thesis driven focus on the handful of critical value creation levers

  • High conviction for every investment

  • Partnership and collaboration with management expected to lead to great outcomes

  • Ownership and accountability throughout the investment

Operating Methodology


Flight Plan (Assessment & Strategy)

  • Establish operating plan, its goals and objectives aligned to the value creation levels

  • Apply fundamental business practices including a focus on the customer, working capital management, and liquidity initiatives

Pilots & Crew (People)

  • Partner with management

  • Provide both financial and intellectual capital to support companies with direction and guidance

Navigation (Process)

  • Focus on the few critical levers that drive profit improvement

  • Measure progress against goals

  • Accountability in terms of clearly defined objectives for success

Core Values

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